Booking The Top DJ In Newport Beach

Booking The Top DJ In Newport Beach

Planning your event with a great check list here is when you should start planning your party.

12 month

Your daughter is turning 16 in 12 months from now this would be the best time to start to book the venue. Make this a family event a planning session so everyone will have input for the sweet 16 party. Talking over the budget and what to expect.


Let your daughter know how much you’re willing to spend on her special day. Set the boundaries up front so she will understand the range of the budget and why you would say yes to somethings and no to others.

Booking The Top DJ In Newport Beach Hustle Events Entertainment DJ Service
Booking The Top DJ In Newport Beach Hustle Events Entertainment DJ Service

Guest List

Thinking of having everyone from school come to the party, the more people you invite the more your budget decreases and you don’t want that. Now think about your daughters desires she might want to attend a show or concert with a group of friends just keep this in mind when planning and the size of the party.

Location and Date

When choosing a venue it can be a big challenge due the date and time of year her birthday lands on case in point. If her birthday lands Thanksgiving or Christmas those dates may be booked.

So be sure to choose a few locations well ahead of time so you won’t be competing with office Christmas Parties or the holiday rush. Depending what part of the city you live in venues maybe open if not consider other places. Your backyard, Public parks, community centers, and even Restaurants.


Sweet 16 can be small and other can be elaborate as weddings we at Hustle Events Entertainment DJ service have done both. This is the time when you get quotes and then you can compare prices that fit into your budget. A price can start at $899 to $1299 depending on how big the DJ is. If you’re looking for a live band the price varies from $950 to $1500 depends on the band and how popular they are.

We also provide red carpet services as guests walk into your event one of our hosts will interview the guest. Photography is one of our services feel free to contact at anytime 24 hours a day. Check out our reviews

Contact us. 

Hustle Events Entertainment DJ Service 

1024 Bayside Drive, suite 528Newport Beach, CA 92660

Phone: (310) 889-5160





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